Nurse practitioners blame N.B.’s 'outdated' billing system for lack of jobs in the province

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octobre 31, 2018

There are about 15 licensed nurse practitioners that are unable to work in the province because there are no positions available for them. One of these nurses is now considering a move to Nova Scotia because she can't find work. The Nurse Practitioners of New Brunswick said they could be valuable resources for a healthcare system that is short of doctors, but they're unable to work because of an "outdated" pay system. Under the current model, nurse practitioners work for the regional health authorities but they can’t, like physicians, have a fee-for-service practice as the province sets limits on the amount of billing numbers. The association wants to improve access to primary care and it believes nurse practitioners could help seniors in nursing homes and in their own homes as well as work with other professionals to improve services for mental health and addiction.

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