B.C. research discovers 15% of post-operative patients go to ED within weeks

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Expérience des soins
octobre 24, 2018

The research explains that since more and more patients are released the same day as their operations, they lose attention and education provided by nurses. That loss in post-operative oversight increased the chance they’ll experience concerns or complications after discharge. In fact, over 15% of surgery patients were found to be rushing to the ED within weeks following surgery, suggesting additional quality improvement measures are required. The takeaway for patients and doctors is that communication is important and potential issues should be covered during consultations with surgeons. Patients should understand what to expect, including levels and discomfort they can expect. Patients should also have discussions with doctors about where to go if they have problems to reduce ED visits. The researchers admits it’s likely that the growing number of patients without primary care physicians is contributing to a high number of patients using ERs.

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