Report on lived experience for breast cancer patients shows need for education, quick access to treatment, enhanced systemic support

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Expérience des soins
octobre 11, 2018

The Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN) says this is the first report to share the experiences of early stage patients in parallel with metastatic breast cancer patients. Through their experiences, breast cancer patients identified gaps when it comes to meeting their needs. CBCN identified five factors that can improve outcomes and quality of life of breast cancer patients:

  1. Educational resources: Patient-friendly educational resources are lacking specifically for newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer patients about surgery, post-surgery decision-making and navigating financial resources.
  2. Access to treatments: Metastatic breast cancer patients require shorter drug approval process time, increased access to new medications and better access for take-home oral medications.
  3. Access to information: More information about breast density, palliative care options and information about clinical trials is required.
  4. Integrated systemic supports: Supports that need to be addressed at a systemic level include patient navigation, communication tools to support general practitioners during the diagnosis process and increased Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits.
  5. Awareness and understanding of metastatic breast cancer: Statistics and awareness would further the understanding of the impact of this stage of breast cancer and better support those with it.

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