Ontario invests $90M for hospitals, funding 1,100 beds to address overcrowding before flu season

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octobre 03, 2018

The province’s plan includes funding 1,100 hospital beds, including 655 new beds and 450 existing ones. The announcement is separate from the PC government’s plan to create 15,000 new long-term care beds over the next five years. The Ontario Hospital Association welcomes the investment, saying there were 4,455 patients occupying 15% of hospital beds while waiting for a more appropriate level of care in July 2018, a time when occupancy rates are usually much lower. The OHA added occupancy rates grow throughout the fall and peak at the height of flu season in January. On the other hand, the Registered Nurses' Association says it won't solve the root problems that cause overcrowding, as the funding won't ensure staffing is in place to address the issue.

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