CMAJ's strategies for decision-makers include patient engagement, funding for psychotherapy

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octobre 02, 2018

The Canadian Medical Association Journal analyzed the quality of healthcare in Canada and outlined strategies (sub. req.) that it feels would improve it at the system level. The authors suggest the following improvements to care for decision-makers to consider as a way forward for improving healthcare quality:

  • Expand public funding for cost-effective treatments, such as funding psychotherapy for people with depression;
  • To remedy a gap it finds in primary care, it says work needs to move beyond payment reform alone to improve this area;
  • Use electronic information systems that help doctors work together. These records should be accessed by patients and physicians;
  • Patient engagement to highlight services that should be offered. Patients can suggest new ways to improve services that staff had not considered;
  • Standardize and embed quality-improvement tools, such as guidelines to help standardize practice and reduce variability based on knowledge or resources;
  • Improve transparency;
  • Ensure meaningful involvement of physicians in decision-making and involving them in early in efforts to improve healthcare;
  • Ensure health education supports high-quality care; and
  • Support wellness of healthcare professionals.

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