Where older patients lived before hospitalization found to affect risk of readmission

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Expérience des soins
septembre 25, 2018

This University of Alberta and ICES study of hospitalized adults over age 65 in Ontario found those who were discharged with home care were the most likely to be readmitted. Nearly 20% were designated as alternate level of care (ALC), the longest of any group in the study. Those who were discharged to long-term care were the least likely to be readmitted. More than 80% were in hospital for two or more weeks and were designated as ALC, meaning they don’t need acute care but can’t be discharged as the appropriate level of care required is not available in another setting. The results point to shortcomings in the health system’s ability to meet older adults’ needs, particularly those with dementia. These readmissions meant prolonged hospital stays with extended alternate levels of care periods and non-acute reasons for admission.
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The trouble with hospitalized seniors - CBC News

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