Sask. neurologists suggest 72,000 Canadians may be misdiagnosed as epileptic; decry long waits for specialists

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Santé de la population
septembre 22, 2018

Two neurologists at the University of Saskatchewan suggest that in 40% of cases, an individual suffering from seizures is misdiagnosed as having epilepsy. That represents 2,000 patients in Sask., and perhaps up to 72,000 people across Canada. Their research finds that patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) often wait two years for a diagnosis due to long waits for specialists and a lack of followup care. They recommend a standardized approach to PNES, including neurologists continuing to follow up for at least six months after diagnosis. As well, they suggest more money for cognitive behavioural therapy so it can be provided under the medicare system rather than requiring patients to pay out-of-pocket.

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