Canadian Mental Health Association: Ottawa should introduce Mental Health Parity Act

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septembre 17, 2018

In a report from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), it's proposed that the federal government introduce legislation that would put mental health and the treatment of mental illnesses on par with those for physical ailments. The CMHA contends the law should cover the following five areas:

  1. Publicly-fund evidence-based therapies;
  2. Improve the quality of care through a continuum of integrated services;
  3. Invest in promotion, prevention and early intervention;
  4. Address stigma and discrimination and ensure equitable access; and
  5. Research mental illness and evaluate health outcomes.

The CMHA suggests over half of Canadians consider anxiety and depression to be epidemic, while 85% say mental health services are underfunded. In advocating for a Mental Health Parity Act, the association feels it would improve coordination, treatment, research and access to mental health services.
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